See this dog? This is Zoe the Rottweiler. Zoe the Rottweiler joined our family about 1 month ago. She's almost 11 months old, loves to eat,chase basketballs, and is totally going to ace the butt sniffing portion of her obedience class. She totally has that one down. I think she's got a great future in canine (or feline, I'm not going to judge) sniffery.
Zoe the Rottweiler is a ferocious beast. Really. She's just full of ferocity and mean, evil things. I promise. Can you not see it in her eyes?
Zoe the Rottweiler may have an overall air of ferocity, but I'm not going to lie, she's a total wuss at times. I started this blog to compile a list of things that, apparently, scare the ever loving crap out of her. Now, these aren't normal things like loud noises or big scary things. They are incredibly random, seemingly innocent things.
- Leaves. Yes. Leaves. They fly at you! They land on your head! They get stuck on your nose! DAMN THOSE LEAVES!
- Open drawers. Not the underwear kind of drawers, which would lead this blog in an entirely different direction, but literally, open drawers. Like, I need a forkOHMYGODWHATISTHATIT'SSORECTANGULAR!!! Drawers scare my dog. Drawers. I have a feeling there will be many kitchen escapades of the freakishly hilarious type. Drawers.
- The vacuum cleaner. I don't know that this is entirely unfounded. It's big! It's loud! It sucks things that she would otherwise be able to sniff and eat! The humanity!